
October 3, 2019
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Hyatt Regency Lisle
1400 Corporetum Drive
Lisle, IL 60532

Join Barack Ferrazzano Financial Institutions Group partners Stan Orszula and Brent McCauley at the Illinois Bankers Association (IBA) BankTech Conference, Innovators' Showcase on Thursday, October 3, at the Hyatt Regency in Lisle, Illinois. Featuring experienced FinTech professionals and innovators, this event will help banks identify innovative products, services, and potential partnerships with FinTech companies while considering risk factors in the development of FinTech strategy and associated processes.

Five Fast Facts for Banks Working with FinTech
Thursday, October 3 | Time TBD
Stanley F. Orszula, Partner
Brent McCauley, Partner

This rapid-fire presentation will discuss the five key elements for banks considering partnerships with FinTech companies. Since FinTech regulatory and banking experience varies, the session highlights how banks need to engage with clear expectations and within a sound regulatory and legal framework. Takeaways from this presentation will allow banks to identify relevant issues that should be integrated into any agreements with FinTech companies.

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