Barack Ferrazzano is proud to sponsor Hannah Berkowitz of the University of Wisconsin Law School as an Equal Justice Works fellow. From a selection of 446 applicants, Hannah emerged as one of 76 recent law school graduates who will spend the next two years improving access to legal services for under-served communities.
Recipients of the Equal Justice Works fellowship are entrepreneurial public interest lawyers who design a two-year project in partnership with a nonprofit organization. Issues addressed can range from homelessness, immigration, juvenile justice or in the case of Hannah’s project, at-risk children.
Hannah is working to establish a project improving the family stability, well-being and kindergarten readiness for at-risk preschool students with Legal Council for Health Justice. Hannah’s legal experience and past history with school and government organizations give her the tools needed to effectively integrate legal aid into care and education programs. The Firm is pleased to aid in the continuing success of Equal Justice Works, as well as that of Hannah and her project.
Click here to learn more about Equal Justice Works and their fellowship program.
Equal Justice Works
Founded by law students in 1986, Equal Justice Works is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a just society by mobilizing the next generation of lawyers committed to equal justice. To achieve this, Equal Justice Works offers a continuum of opportunities for law students and lawyers that provide the training and skills that enable them to provide effective representation to under-served communities and causes.