
BFKN is proud to recognize members of our Litigation and Bankruptcy & Creditor Rights Groups, who worked closely with the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), representing a pro bono client in asylum proceedings. This week, the client was granted asylum. The client, an LGTBQ+ woman from Mexico, fled to the U.S. after enduring a brutal assault because of her sexual orientation. NIJC referred the case to BFKN a year ago, and her case was taken on by two of our associates, who dedicated the past year to meticulously preparing her written materials and oral testimony for the asylum hearing.

The associates’ and the client’s hard work was rewarded when, at the beginning of the hearing, the government agreed to stipulate to a grant of asylum. The client confirmed her application materials and affidavit under oath, and the immigration judge promptly granted her asylum. Less than thirty minutes after the hearing commenced, she left the hearing with her asylum granted, elated with the outcome.

The pro bono team included BFKN partner Edward F. Malone and associates Alexander F. Berk and Audrey Springer-Wilson along with legal secretary Kat Rodriguez.

About The National Immigrant Justice Center

The National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) — a Heartland Alliance program — is a legal aid organization dedicated to protecting human rights and ensuring access to justice for all immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. In addition to legal services, NIJC supports these vulnerable groups through policy reform, impact litigation, and public education. NIJC has provided legal services to more than 10,000 individuals, achieving a 90% success rate in asylum cases.

To learn more about the NIJC, visit: https://www.immigrantjustice.org

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