BFKN has a long history of serving the financial services industry across many of our practice groups. We have decades of experience and have represented over 300 financial institutions in recent years (including more than a dozen credit unions), ranging from $100 million community institutions to multi-billion dollar publicly traded regional banks. Our firm’s focus on this industry begins with our Financial Institutions Group, a practice group made up of 30 dedicated attorneys focused on serving financial institutions in the Midwest and nationwide.

BFKN’s other practice groups collaborate with our Financial Institutions Group to serve clients in the financial services industry for all their legal needs, including:



Mergers & Acquisitions 

Compensation & Employment


Real Estate

Corporate & Securities

Intellectual Property 

Regulatory & Compliance

Corporate Governance 



Among our attorneys are former legal counsel to regulatory agencies and those who are nationally recognized in their field. Our relationships with the regulatory agencies, both federal and with many states, and with securities regulators, are excellent. We pride ourselves on the results we have helped our clients achieve within the regulatory process, through our thorough understanding of what is effective and our mutual respect that has been established over time.

Industry Contacts


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